WordPress Config

I’ve been working with WordPress since I set up my own site at and I’ve finally found a theme that seems to render well on both Macs and PCs, using a variety of browsers. I would have never imagined that it would be so difficult, but I have tried literally dozens of themes without much success. I am running the “Tech2” theme by DewDrop and it’s working very well.

I also have a nice collection of plugins that extend the features and functionality of WordPress, mainly in the realm of social media. The plugins I’m using are:

  • AddToAny: Share/Bookmark/Email Button
  • Akismet
  • bbPress Integration
  • Blog Copyright (by BTE)
  • Contact Form 7
  • Facebook Comments TNG
  • Find Me On
  • Google XML Sitemaps
  • Local Time
  • MobilePress
  • Shadowbox JS
  • Theme My Login
  • Twitter Goodies
  • User Locker
  • Wordbook
  • WordTwit
  • WP Render Blogroll Links

All of the plugins above work with my version of WordPress (2.9.1). If you’re running a WordPress site, check these plugins out. Most have been very easy to set up and configured the way I want them to work very easily. If you have any questions on how I have individual plugins configured, please feel free to use the “Contact Me” page at to shoot me an email. I’ll be happy to help (with the best of my ability).

Good luck and happy blogging!

Darius McCaskey Avatar

2 responses to “WordPress Config”

  1. irreverance Avatar

    Love the new design!

    Might want to check it on Safari. You’re title for this entry is confused. Also, I’m not sure how to see all your blog entries on a single page. It seems I can only get to the most recent, or at least only one, without using the forward/back buttons. Am I missing a button somewhere? Or is this a WordPress thing?

    1. Darius McCaskey Avatar

      No, this theme only shows the most recent post on the home page. To see any older posts, you have to use the “Archives” dropdown on the left side. I will double-check in Safari. It looked OK for me the other night, but I wasn’t looking that closely.

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